Photo Library search improvements

Photo Library search improvements

Photo Library search improvements

This week we have released some exciting new improvements to the Photo Library search experience.

Previously search results were largely based on "exact" results, e.g. a search for "cupcake" would only match Photos that were named or tagged exactly with the word "cupcake".

As we don't yet have a Photo for "cupcake" (sob!) you would therefore have seen a "No Matches Found" screen instead.

With the new search improvements that same search will now try to find results that either (a) resemble the word 'cupcake' or (b) sound like the word 'cupcake'.

Photo Library search for "cupcake"

Additionally, if like me, you frequently make typos when entering search terms, the new search can compensate for that in a lot of cases, e.g. this search for 'reserch' now finds relevant matches instead of the dreaded "No Matches Found" screen.

Photo Library search for "reserch"

Sometimes this flexibility can result in results not relevant to your search though, e.g. this search for "grain" returns matches for "New Virus Strain", "Mask Train", etc. due to those Photos containing a word that sounds like grain.

Photo Library search for "grain"

In these cases feel free to use the new Photo Suggestion Box feature that is now displayed at the bottom of every search listing (and when no matches are found).

This provides some ideas on how to find a better match, but if you can't find that elusive ideal symbol that you are looking for you can send us a message describing the type of photo(s) you are looking for using the Suggestion Box.

Photo Suggestion Box

These suggestions are reviewed regularly and help us understand where we can flesh out the Photo Library with additional images to support you in your creations.

We have bolstered our Creative Team in 2023 so expect a large number of new photos to be added regularly, including themed collections around major topics, as well as everyday objects found around the home, workplace and beyond.

If you have any questions or ideas for future Library / Search improvements feel free to contact us at - in the meantime we sincerely hope you enjoy the new Search and Suggestion Box features.