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After purchasing a training course you will see a new tab titled with the name of the course in your Licence Manager. Click on this to display a list of the colleagues that you have assigned to the course.
To assign a new colleague (i.e. one without an existing Photosymbols account), click on the 'Add User' button on the top left of the Licence Manager panel and enter the required details (including the delivery address for the welcome workbook), remembering to set the 'Foundation Course in Easy Read' checkbox before saving.
To assign an existing colleague (one with a current Photosymbols account) to a course, simply click on the 'Edit' button next to their name in the 'All' tab list and set the appropriate checkbox.
If you are also a subscriber to the Photosymbols library you can also assign or remove library access for a user on the user details page.
In addition to the above, the user listing screen now displays additional "badges" below each user's email address to indicate what type of access they have (name of enrolled course, library access, etc.) so you can see at a glance what services your users have enabled.
Finally, if you are an existing Licence Manager there's a few details you need to be aware of, even if you don't have or plan to purchase training :
instead of a single listing of users you will now see two tabs, one named 'All', and one named 'Library Access'. The number after the 'All' button indicates the total number of users linked to your account, and the number after the 'Library Access' tab title shows the number of current licences used followed by the maximum number of licences for your account.
the 'Remove' button that was available next to each user on the listing screen now only shows if the user isn't assigned to any services, so to 'Remove' a user make sure to unset any services on their details screen first
We hope you find these changes help you manage your users.
If you have any feedback, questions or issues please email us.