When it comes to accessible information, people with learning disabilities themselves are the real experts. That's why we regularly work with a team of paid Expert Advisers to help steer our work.
Every month we meet online with each of our experts who have a wealth of lived experience between them. We plan what pictures to make next and review work in progress. We're never more than a week away from getting the advice we need.

Michaela Mamara
My name is Michaela Mamara. I'm keen on horse riding and I have been riding for about 10 years. I enjoy shopping, arts and crafts and seeing my friends. I enjoy being a DJ at the Bubble Club.
I'm a member of Camden People First. I have a job there, working in the office and answering the phone. I talk for friends and other people who cannot talk.
The first time I went to work in the office there was a bit of paper with lots of small writing on it - I can't read that. If you can't read something, you’re not going to understand things in it. Things are much better in Easy Read.

Hayley Burwood
“Just because I have a learning disability doesn’t make me a bad parent.”
Where I have been
I have learning disabilities and different mental health problems. I’ve been in lots of different care homes and nursing homes and I’ve lived in secure hospitals for a good while in my younger years.
I’m now successfully living in my own home with my child, and I also have care and support throughout the week
What I do
I am a self advocate at Opening Doors. I’m an LGBT mum with a teenage boy. I’m a dedicated trainer. I use my lived experience to help others. I am a public speaker and read my poetry at different events - like Pride and Norwich Rising. I’m an Expert Adviser for Photosymbols. I love using and producing Easy Read.
How I work
I see myself committed to a piece of work. I don’t like to leave a job undone. I get very excited when I get given some Easy Read to do.
I believe that co-production is the key to everything. I like to help others speak up freely. Helping others gives me a good sense of achievement.
Future plans
I like to see people get the chance to have Easy Read as their first language. I think everyone can get something from Easy Read, even the professionals. There’s still a lot of people that don’t know that Easy Read exists.
My advice when doing Easy Read
Working together with the people who it is aimed at works a lot better. It’s good to quality check it with the people it is aimed at. The most important thing is not to rush it.

Matt Stabb
I'm Matt, I was involved with Photosymbols many years ago as an actor and reconnected with the team in 2024 as an Expert Adviser. I'm passionate about making sure all disabled people have a voice and creating positive change in our community.
I live in the West of England with my wife Janette and our dog Desmond. I'm a proud father to my son James and have three wonderful grandkids. Through my varied community work, I've gained extensive experience working alongside disabled people, including people with learning disabilities. I bring this experience, along with my knowledge of the social model of disability and rights-based approaches, to my work at Photosymbols.
In my role, I help review images in the library and plan new images to be featured. I feedback on how disability is represented and on accessibility for customers with physical and sensory impairments.
I've been active in the disability movement for many years, after first getting interested in politics during my college years. I've also published a book 'Keep On, Keeping On', which shares my experiences of living with cerebral palsy. Outside of work, I enjoy going to gigs, watching sports, and spending time with my family. I love life and believe in making the most of it.